Feature: populate shopping cart with tracks from CSV file (and/or spotify)
I'm trying to get hard copies of 2000+ tracks from my spotify playlists, and searching for every track individually is proving extremely time-consuming. I'm currently trying to automate the search-and-add-to-cart workflow with UI automation like selenium, but it is error-prone and very fragile. It would be amazing if Crates.co could turn a CSV file into a populated shopping cart, by (A) searching for the track described in row X, (B) finding the best match for the given title/artist/duration, (C) add the track to my beatport shopping cart, and (D) provide a list of the tracks that couldn't be found or otherwise determined. Maybe with an options prefer Original mixes or Extended mixes, and checkboxes for requiring perfect matches for some fields (like Release/Album, duration, etc).
If this could directly connect to my spotify account, even better, but a file upload sounds like it would be easier to implement. And there are already ways to automatically create such a file corresponding to spotify playlists, using their web API.
Anyways, this would take all of the pain away from finding music to purchase, aside from the cost haha.
Thanks for your consideration!