use the same genres and sub genres as beatport.
Use exactly the same genres and sub-genres for filtering tunes, either in your beatport or the whole of beatport. Also, add the new genres Beatport have just added. For example, the new Melodic Techno Genre is not accessible in Crates.

We’ve added genres to Crates! Under “My Crates” in the left menu, you can now add favorite genres to easily navigate and browse.
You can bring up a feed of all the tracks in that genre, or click the “Top 100” tab to see that genre’s Top 100. :)
We don’t currently support sub-genres because Beatport doesn’t let artists or labels submit tracks into these genres right now, so here is very little music in those sub-genres.
If enough of you want sub-genre support, please create a new request in UserVoice.