Support for Beatport playlists
What's the possibility of supporting beatport playlists that can be used with beatport link? Unfortunately you can't access carts via Link so no cart access inside Rekordbox. Playlists is the direction they are shoving it and if I could add to playlists from Crates it would save a step of having to manually sync carts to playlists!

Beatport Link is not currently supported by Beatport API’s, which is how we power Crates.
Only Beatport can integrate with anything related to Link right now, but hopefully they make their Link API public in the future. Thanks for the feedback!
Daniel Palka commented
Beatport introduced playlists a few years ago and leans heavily into this now over crates, especially for DJ hardware that supports streaming over WiFi. Can we get an update to work with our existing Beatport playlists and create new ones? I don't know if playlists are themselves part of Link exclusively they seem to be used everywhere on the desktop website now also.
DopefriendTed commented
Does the Beatport API make it possible to save a crate as a playlist? That would be espactacular.
Whoops, I see some version of this below from @martijin. Worth asking again though. I love using Crates for discovery, but tracks get trapped there outside of my typical purchase flow. I prefer to play all the tunes i am considering buying on my actual decks before purchase and would love a way to do that either via beatport or otherwise.
Martijn commented
@Jason Wohlstadter, I think there's no need using Beatport Link API for this. If you can read and write into a Beatport playlist (e.g. using the Beatport native API, then from Crates I could simply sync one of my crates to one of my existing playlists or into a new playlist on Beatport. Then I can import this playlist on any device supporting Beatport Link; hence there's no need to manually import the same tracks from Crates into a Beatport playlist from Beatport itself. Perhaps this is what @Skiles also ment to say, but I'm not sure. Would this be something worthy trying to test ? Thank you!
Glen Clayton commented
+1 on this one. Soundiiz manages to sync to Beatport playlists so has the API changed?
Skiles commented
Makes total sense...thank you for the quick response!