Hide Tracks That Have Been Played
Would be great to have an option completely remove played tracks from the interface. This is particularly useful when you add artists/labels to a crate and it then puts new songs in amongst the previously viewed content.
Thanks for all the work you've put into this already. Its literally a game changer for me, as digging on beatport itself was so painful I can only bring myself to do it once every few months! I can see myself keeping much more up to date with this.

Good news! An update for you guys waiting: a this feature has been introduced, it’s called “Inbox” and will hide any tracks you’ve already heard.
Test it out here: https://crates.co/inbox
The only place to hide played tracks is inside the inbox right now. If you want to see this added to other parts of the site, please start a NEW feature request — but we think this should cover most use cases.
jose M commented
and... maybe a way to reset the played status of a track to unplayed?? just maybe to be able to click on the checkmark and remove it?? :)
thanks in advance... this app is awesome i use it every day -
Good point re: the need to hide what you've already heard after updating the collection!