107 results found
Moods, Set Time, Venue, Vocal, etc
Want to find Dub Acid House/Techno to play at a bar? Disco/Jazzy House to play at a Pool? Melodic Leftfield House for a Sunrise set? These filters are the perfect way to do that.
Beatport Pro is being shut down, and that means losing an invaluable way to search music: based on Mood, Vocal, Venue, and Set Time. As far as I know, there's no other place where you can do that. When Beatport Pro sunsets, Crates could be the place people go for that feature alone.
Beatport Pro seems to have crowd-sourced these, so anyone can input the data…
3 votes -
Search multiple specific genres
Be able to search within multiple specific genres at once. Not just the choice of one genre or every genre.
2 votes -
Mark tracks that have already been listened to better
Instead of using tiny check mark, you could gray out an entire track that's already been listened to, or place a green dot next to it the way that Beatport Pro desktop app does.
2 votes -
Old tracks in feed
Almost every page of my feed contains tracks from Strictly Rhythm (a label I follow) released in the 90s. Is this another Beatport API bug?
2 votesBeatport is aware of this, there are several problems with track order that are all related.
If you don’t see this fixed 2 weeks from now drop a line to and we can share any update we have from Beatport, the fix needs to be on their end unfortunately.
Add beatport's general top 100 as a genre
I listen to/spin multiple genres, so accessing the top 100 would be helpful.
2 votes -
BUG: Prelisten waveforms don't match the audio anymore.
waveforms displayed no longer match the audio played. Audio played is now a few seconds shorter than what waveform displays
2 votes -
Settings option for endless & page feed view.
I liked the page view a bit better than endless. If you mute pre-orders and re-releases sometimes the endless "page" only has 5 songs. If you need to refresh the page then you need to click "load more" until you get to your previous position. I think an option for both views would be great!
1 vote -
A way to hide tracks or releases (that you may have purchased elsewhere)
First off, I absolutely love crates... this is an amazing piece of software.
The problem I am running into is purchasing tracks accidently that already bought on (lets say Bandcamp ... which is in dire need of something like crates because its search function is not fun at all to use... but I'm sure we all know this).
I see that we can mute labels are artists... but what if I don't want to mute a whole label or a whole artist... Just single release.
Is this something that could be worked out? Like, maybe a "mute track" option?
1 vote -
Track Skipping Intervals
It would be awesome to customize the amount of time a tracks skips when we press the left/right arrows. If we can't set the skip time to a specific length of our choosing, which would be preferable in my opinion, then maybe a few options would be adequate. 10 seconds, 30 seconds, and 1 minute would be great options. Excellent work guys!
1 vote -
Sub genres
Why are they missing from search?
1 vote -
Import Text to Crate
This is a bit more "out there" but might be useful for quickly creating crates from your current iTunes (or other) metadata.
The idea would be to have an option to import a list of artists or labels and create a new crate from this. I haven't tried dumping a complete list of this data out of iTunes but I suspect it should be straightforward using existing applescripts. The tricky bit would be matching with actual artists/labels on beatport, as it would obviously be sensitive to slight differences in labelling and duplicate entries.
Perhaps there would need to be some…
1 vote -
Adding genre to the view window?
Any chance of adding genre to the view window?
1 vote -
soundcloud link pop up not closing
unable to link sound cloud account via mac or windows, pop up is not automatically closing
1 vote -
Filter tracks by BPM
Would be great if you could only have tracks within a certain BPM range show up.
1 vote -
Differentiate shortcuts for skipping to prev/next track vs skipping to prev/next UNPLAYED track (-James Fish)
Havent logged into crates in a few months and surprised to notice that the up/down arrows skip to the next or previous unplayed tracks. Sometimes i like listening to a track more than once, or comparing it with the other tracks in its release.
My suggestion: SHIFT+UP or SHIFT+DOWN skips to previous/next unplayed track. UP + DOWN (unmodified) increments by 1 in either direction regardless whether the next track has already been played or not.1 vote -
Bigger window Dig Deeper
I would like a bigger window when i search in dig deeper section!
Thank you very much!1 vote -
highlight artists / labels followed differently in crates
Firstly love crates. Only recently discovered it after beatport discontinued their pro app for mac. Thanks for working this its great.
This may already be in place and I cannot find how to assert it yet but would be wonderful if the labels and artists one follows could be identified more easily within crates by maybe a different color font orotherwise
Beatport pro had this feature so I hope its doable with the API.
1 vote -
1 vote
- android app.
Is there a android app or am I missing something? It would be super useful. It's quite tedious to navigate the site through the smartphone browser.
1 vote -
I Love Crates!
Don't have a new idea (yet) but i want to thank you for your good job!
Finally a site that i can see what track i already listen!
Thank you very much!
My full support from Greece!1 vote
- Don't see your idea?